Friday, June 27, 2014

SA Government hires Ad-men to turn Adelaide into a U.S. Naval Hub

You wouldn't say it a "nice" feeling to see proof of what you've suspecting for nine years, but it does bring a sense of vindication.  Since 2005 I've worried that Adelaide was being turned into a U.S. Navy refurbishment facility.  Late last year the South Australian Governent hired a Nashville based PR firm in order for such a thing to happen.
Just over a week ago Palmer Gibb published on blogsite The Sunlight Foundation of how Adelaide spent (at the end of 2013) over two hundred thousand dollars on hiring PR firm Fletcher Rowley on its behalf.  The comany's brief is explained its mandatory US filings as a "Foreign Agent":
Specific tasks covered by this agreement will related broadly to the representation of the interests of Defence SA in the United States and specifically to the encouragement of the U.S. Navy to utilize Techport for voyage repairs.
Here's how I wrote of such ideas in 2006.  Ok the timespan was a bit short, but what do I know?
 It's 2016, a decade after the 6/6/06 commencement of The Armageddon Conflict.  Australia is at war.  Naval vessels, able to stay at sea and away from the Antichrist's terrorists  under technological stealth cloaks are occassionally forced, while trudging between the various global "fronts"  to sail into ports for replenishments, refurbishment of armamentaria and some time off for the sailors.   The boys and girls of Halliburton have every need in readiness to get the job done before there's time to become a missile target.:
As the ships approach the Port of Adelaide, the support system swings into action as Halliburton's program co-ordinates local activity into providing the ship with the quickest return to sea that is humanly possible to provide.  Old tanks are sent to the factory while refurbished vehicles, comlplete with fresh crew desert-ready from guarding the uranium mines, the Adelaide-Darwin railway and the Papua-Adelaide gas pipes are loaded on board, and local water, stored in the specially built sub-city aquifers (piped from the extraterrestrially-refilled Artesian Basin) [NB we didn't have a desal plant when this was written] and produce are speedily transferred to naval supplies Refurbished missiles and the extra-effective depleted uranium ammuntion are restocked, and when the sailors have replenished themselves in the local bars and brothels another nautical Death Star is back on  the high seas, ready to fight for God.
I'm especially interested to read that one of the Armed Services Committee contacted by the lobbyists, North Carolina Congressman Mike McIntyre was subsequently funded to the tune of $50 thousand, (purportedly the most expensive privately funded US Congressional visit to anywhere so far on record) to bring his wife for a week-long visit in the week around Valentine's Day.  McIntyre had just announced his impending retirement.  Perhaps Mike was thinking of following his military career with a gig working for Lockheed or BAE in Adelaide?
This all comes on top of couple of important local developments.. not that you'll read much about them in the Adelaide press.  One is the declaration in May that the Jindalee Over-horizon Radar Network had been successfully upgraded and was finally operational.  JORN can monitor pretty much anything that's going on in the South China Sea, and would be an asset in tracking (for example) Korean missile launches.
It's all well and good to be able to shout out when you see missiles, but not much help if you don't have anything to shoot them down with.  Last week's announcements will fix that.  Given that the AWD warships being built at Port Adelaide were already scheduled to be equipped with Aegis SM-1 missiles it won't be too hard to upgrade to SM-2s.  These "bad boys" have an extra stage capable of "exoatmospheric kill"  so can even knock out rockets above our atmosphere.  But such technology is prized.. you'd only get it for something like a US/Australian Asian Missile Shield program.  Lucky we got one in last week's Treaty, isn't it?
And by the way, doesn't confirmation that they will be given such capabilities make the place where the boats are being built much more of an attractive attack target?  Or what about the "nerve centre" for the radar that would co-ordinate the countermissile launches?  And if you put those two just a few miles apart in the north-west of Adelaide..?
Thanks, guys, I'll sleep sooo much more peacefully tonight knowing I've been pretty much right.  
What the hell has this city gotten itself into?
Meanwhile, the bloke who got us into it, former Halliburton Global Vice President for Infrastructure Andrew Fletcher is calling it a day, a recent announcement stating that when his contract ends in August it won't be renewed.  I'm not surprised that, after being the boss of SA Defence for so long, he's decided to head for greener pastures.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Who Paid Fifty Grand for A US Congressman To Visit Adelaide?

Who Paid The Fifty Grand For The US Congressman To Visit Adelaide?

It's amazing how much stuff that's unremarked on in Australia (let alone Adelaide) can be found by googling "defenSe" and not by our own spelling.  I can't find local reporting of a US Congressman serving on the Armed Services Committee visiting Adelaide last February, but the jaunt has raised eyebrows "back home".  It was written up in the Washington Examiner as "the most expensive privately funded trip on record".
On what was (across the dateline) Valentine's Day in the US, Congressman Mike McIntyre and his wife arrived in South Australia for a week-long vist.  The trip was paid for by South Australia's Defence Teaming Centre, an industry organisation that liases with the State Government run defence department DefenceSA.  DefenceSA is run by Mr Andrew Fletcher, who served as Halliburton's Global Vice President for Infrastructure during the early Iraq war years.
US research site Legistorm reports that the couple visited Adelaide between February 15th and 22nd, and that McIntyre "attended defense related briefings, met with officials within the defense industry".  The reported cost of the visit is $49,635 and six cents.
When asked by the US's ABC about the trip, McIntyre explained "This trip was not at taxoayer expensel  The House Ethics Committee specifically approved the purpose of this trip which was to address America's alliances in the Pacific".    
South Australia proudly proclaims itself as "The Defence State', and local submarine and warship construction are led by major international players,Raytheon and BAE, with assistance from facilities built by KBR.  Lockheed-Martin are assisting local defence investors participate in the Joint Strike Fighter Project.
The State also hosts over one third of the world's kknown uranium, and final exploration of the Great Australian Bight's energy reserves is about to begin.  The planned site of an associated oil and gas port plant, slightly downstream from the naval construction facilities is currently the centre of a land purchase scandal, having been sold by the State Government and set aside for such purpose without the normal processes of public tender.
US President Barack Obama, on hearing of McIntyre's announcement in January that he was retiring from politics, said that "Mike McIntyre has been a strong advocate for our men and women in uniform."
The main question I have is as to where the "not-for-profit" Defence Teaming Centre found the fifty thousand to fund the trip?  I can't help wondering that visit to such a supposedly insignifigant place was the US Defense Giants' idea of a thankyou-and-farewell present.  Would you be surprised?

Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Petition In A Poem- Save St Clair Park

I"ll give you the first couple of verses- if you want to read it to it's end and sign, I'd be eternally in your debt.  There are two weeks till the South Australian election.  Every signature to this will make a difference to the Park's survival!  The end of the poem is here: Garden
As World War Two came to an end, and those who'd lost Loved One and Friend
Petitioned Woodville Council that they set aside land
A place In Living Memory, the love for their Dead for all to see
and future people warned of the cost of War's Hand.

As decades went past, people came to remember
and the memory to always preserve
Crosses and plaques were laid in sad honour
Some scattered their ashes on St Clair Reserve
Seventy years since the locals requested
and parkland is valuable real estate
St Clair is to fall to a housing development
when never intended to suffer this fate.
Read the rest (and please sign) at: